IR evaluation metrics with uncertainty estimates

Compare different metrics and their uncertainty in the passage ranking dataset.

When working with search engine apps, be it a text search or a recommendation system, part of the job is doing experiments around components such as ranking functions and deciding which experiments deliver the best result.

This tutorial builds a text search app with Vespa, feeds a sample of the passage ranking dataset to the app, and evaluates two ranking functions across three different metrics. In addition to return point estimates of the evaluation metrics, we compute confidence intervals as illustrated in the plot below. Measuring uncertainty around the metric estimates gives us a better sense of how significant is the impact of our changes in the application.

The code and the data used in this end-to-end tutorial are available and can be reproduced in a Jupyter Notebook.

Create the Vespa application package

Create a Vespa application package to perform passage ranking experiments using the create_basic_search_package.

from learntorank.passage import create_basic_search_package

app_package = create_basic_search_package()

We can inspect how the Vespa search definition file looks like:

schema PassageRanking {
    document PassageRanking {
        field doc_id type string {
            indexing: attribute | summary
        field text type string {
            indexing: index | summary
            index: enable-bm25
    fieldset default {
        fields: text
    rank-profile bm25 {
        first-phase {
            expression: bm25(text)
        summary-features {
    rank-profile native_rank {
        first-phase {
            expression: nativeRank(text)

In this tutorial, we are going to compare two ranking functions. One is based on NativeRank, and the other is based on BM25.

Deploy the application

Deploy the application package in a Docker container for local development. Alternatively, it is possible to deploy the application package to Vespa Cloud.

from vespa.deployment import VespaDocker

vespa_docker = VespaDocker()
app = vespa_docker.deploy(application_package=app_package)
Waiting for configuration server, 0/300 seconds...
Waiting for configuration server, 5/300 seconds...
Waiting for application status, 0/300 seconds...
Waiting for application status, 5/300 seconds...
Waiting for application status, 10/300 seconds...
Waiting for application status, 15/300 seconds...
Waiting for application status, 20/300 seconds...
Finished deployment.

Once the deployment is finished, we can interact with the deployed application through the app variable.

Get sample data

We can load passage ranking sample data with PassageData.load. By default, it will download pre-generated sample data.

from learntorank.passage import PassageData

data = PassageData.load()
PassageData(corpus, train_qrels, train_queries, dev_qrels, dev_queries)
Number of documents: 1000
Number of train queries: 100
Number of train relevance judgments: 100
Number of dev queries: 100
Number of dev relevance judgments: 100

Feed the application

Get the document corpus in a DataFrame format.

corpus_df = data.get_corpus()
doc_id text
0 5954248 Why GameStop is excited for Dragon Age: Inquis...
1 7290700 metaplasia definition: 1. abnormal change of o...
2 5465518 Candice Net Worth. According to the report of ...
3 3100518 Under the Base Closure Act, March AFB was down...
4 3207764 There are a number of career opportunities for...

Feed the data to the deployed application.

responses = app.feed_df(df=corpus_df, include_id=True, id_field="doc_id")
Successful documents fed: 1000/1000.
Batch progress: 1/1.

We can also check the number of successfully fed documents through the responses status code:

sum([response.status_code == 200 for response in responses])

Query the application

Get the dev set queries in a DataFrame format.

dev_queries_df = data.get_queries(type="dev")
query_id query
0 1101971 why say the sky is the limit
1 712898 what is an cvc in radiology
2 154469 dmv california how long does it take to get id
3 930015 what's an epigraph
4 860085 what is va tax

Get the first query text to use as an example when querying our passage search application.

sample_query = dev_queries_df.loc[0, "query"]
'why say the sky is the limit'

Query with QueryModel

Create the bm25 QueryModel, which uses Vespa’s weakAnd operator to match documents relevant to the query and use the bm25 rank-profile that we defined in the application package above to rank the documents.

from learntorank.query import QueryModel, WeakAnd, Ranking

bm25_query_model = QueryModel(

Once a QueryModel is specified, we can use it to query our application.

from learntorank.query import send_query
from pprint import pprint

response = send_query(
[{'fields': {'doc_id': '7407715',
             'documentid': 'id:PassageRanking:PassageRanking::7407715',
             'sddocname': 'PassageRanking',
             'summaryfeatures': {'bm25(text)': 11.979235042476953,
                                 'vespa.summaryFeatures.cached': 0.0},
             'text': 'The Sky is the Limit also known as TSITL is a global '
                     'effort designed to influence, motivate and inspire '
                     'people all over the world to achieve their goals and '
                     'dreams in life. TSITL’s collaborative community on '
                     'social media provides you with a vast archive of '
                     'motivational pictures/quotes/videos.'},
  'id': 'id:PassageRanking:PassageRanking::7407715',
  'relevance': 11.979235042476953,
  'source': 'PassageRanking_content'},
 {'fields': {'doc_id': '84721',
             'documentid': 'id:PassageRanking:PassageRanking::84721',
             'sddocname': 'PassageRanking',
             'summaryfeatures': {'bm25(text)': 11.310323797415357,
                                 'vespa.summaryFeatures.cached': 0.0},
             'text': 'Sky Customer Service 0870 280 2564. Use the Sky contact '
                     'number to get in contact with the Sky customer services '
                     'team to speak to a representative about your Sky TV, Sky '
                     'Internet or Sky telephone services. The Sky customer '
                     'Services team is operational between 8:30am and 11:30pm '
                     'seven days a week.'},
  'id': 'id:PassageRanking:PassageRanking::84721',
  'relevance': 11.310323797415357,
  'source': 'PassageRanking_content'}]

Query with Vespa Query Language

We can also translate the query created with the QueryModel into the Vespa Query Language (YQL) by setting debug_request=True:

response = send_query(
    query = sample_query, 
yql_body = response.request_body
{'ranking': {'listFeatures': 'false', 'profile': 'bm25'},
 'yql': 'select * from sources * where ({targetHits: 100}weakAnd(default '
        'contains "why", default contains "say", default contains "the", '
        'default contains "sky", default contains "is", default contains '
        '"the", default contains "limit"));'}

We can use Vespa YQL directly via the body parameter:

yql_response = send_query(app=app, body=yql_body)
[{'fields': {'doc_id': '7407715',
             'documentid': 'id:PassageRanking:PassageRanking::7407715',
             'sddocname': 'PassageRanking',
             'summaryfeatures': {'bm25(text)': 11.979235042476953,
                                 'vespa.summaryFeatures.cached': 0.0},
             'text': 'The Sky is the Limit also known as TSITL is a global '
                     'effort designed to influence, motivate and inspire '
                     'people all over the world to achieve their goals and '
                     'dreams in life. TSITL’s collaborative community on '
                     'social media provides you with a vast archive of '
                     'motivational pictures/quotes/videos.'},
  'id': 'id:PassageRanking:PassageRanking::7407715',
  'relevance': 11.979235042476953,
  'source': 'PassageRanking_content'},
 {'fields': {'doc_id': '84721',
             'documentid': 'id:PassageRanking:PassageRanking::84721',
             'sddocname': 'PassageRanking',
             'summaryfeatures': {'bm25(text)': 11.310323797415357,
                                 'vespa.summaryFeatures.cached': 0.0},
             'text': 'Sky Customer Service 0870 280 2564. Use the Sky contact '
                     'number to get in contact with the Sky customer services '
                     'team to speak to a representative about your Sky TV, Sky '
                     'Internet or Sky telephone services. The Sky customer '
                     'Services team is operational between 8:30am and 11:30pm '
                     'seven days a week.'},
  'id': 'id:PassageRanking:PassageRanking::84721',
  'relevance': 11.310323797415357,
  'source': 'PassageRanking_content'}]

Evaluate query models

In this section, we want to evaluate and compare the bm25_query_model defined above with the native_query_model defined below:

native_query_model = QueryModel(

We specify three metrics to evaluate the models.

from learntorank.evaluation import (

metrics = [

Point estimates

It is straightforward to obtain point estimates of the evaluation metrics for each query model being compared. In this case, we computed the mean and the standard deviation for each of the metrics.

from learntorank.evaluation import evaluate

evaluation = evaluate(
    query_model=[native_query_model, bm25_query_model], 
    aggregators=["mean", "std"]
model bm25 native_rank
recall_10 mean 0.935833 0.845833
std 0.215444 0.342749
reciprocal_rank_3 mean 0.935000 0.755000
std 0.231977 0.394587
ndcg_3 mean 0.912839 0.749504
std 0.242272 0.381792

Given the nature of the data distribution of the metrics described above, it is not trivial to compute a confidence interval from the mean and the standard deviation computed above. In the next section, we solve this by using bootstrap sampling on a per query metric evaluation.

Uncertainty estimates

Instead of returning aggregated point estimates, we can also compute the metrics per query by setting per_query=True. This gives us more granular information on the distribution function of the metrics.

evaluation_per_query = evaluate(
    query_model=[native_query_model, bm25_query_model], 
model query_id recall_10 reciprocal_rank_3 ndcg_3
0 native_rank 1101971 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 native_rank 712898 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 native_rank 154469 1.0 0.0 0.0
3 native_rank 930015 1.0 1.0 1.0
4 native_rank 860085 0.0 0.0 0.0

We then created a function that uses the evaluation per query data and computes uncertainty estimates via bootstrap sampling.

from learntorank.stats import compute_evaluation_estimates

estimates = compute_evaluation_estimates(
    df = evaluation_per_query
metric model low median high
0 ndcg_3 bm25 0.865279 0.914863 0.958766
1 ndcg_3 native_rank 0.675220 0.752400 0.820318
2 recall_10 bm25 0.891667 0.935833 0.974187
3 recall_10 native_rank 0.778312 0.847917 0.910000
4 reciprocal_rank_3 bm25 0.890000 0.935000 0.975000
5 reciprocal_rank_3 native_rank 0.678333 0.758333 0.831667

We can then create plots based on this data to make it easier to judge the magnitude of the differences between ranking functions.

from plotnine import *

print((ggplot(estimates) + 
 geom_point(aes("model", "median")) + 
 geom_errorbar(aes(x="model", ymin="low",ymax="high")) + 
 facet_wrap("metric") + labs(y="Metric value")

Cleanup the environment
